This article will review the paragraph type "registrations" and the various settings associated with it.
In this article, you will find:
Registration paragraph
When you create a new paragraph in your report template, one of the first things you need to do is select a paragraph type for the newly created paragraph. This guide focuses on the paragraph type "registrations" and its possible applications.
Registration Type
1. To create a registration paragraph for your report template, the first step is to create a paragraph.
2. Specify a title for the new paragraph.
3. Click on the dropdown menu.
4. Select the paragraph type "Registrations".
5. Now, in the dropdown menu, select the "Registration Type" you want to include in your report template. Here, you can choose from your "Global Registration Types" that you have created on your Inspectly account.
In this example, we want to add "Digital QA" registrations to the report template, so the "Registration Type" process inspection is selected.
After selecting the desired registration type to be included in your report template, you have the option to define the "Paragraph Layout." The "Paragraph Layout" determines how your registrations will be visually presented in your reports.
There are two main types of "Paragraph layouts": "High level of detail" and "Matrix format." Both types will now be reviewed.
High level of detail
You can select the desired layout type by ensuring there is a blue dot in the chosen layout type.
Paragraph settings
If "High level of detail" is selected, the following "Paragraph settings" will become available. The individual points for your "Paragraph settings" will now be reviewed below:
1. Start paragraph on a new page: Here you can choose whether the desired registration paragraph should start on a new page in your report.
2. Page change after each registration: Here you can choose whether each individual registration should have its own page in your report.
3. Show location on map: Here you can choose whether the completed registration should be shown on a map in your report.
4. Attach PDF files to the report: Here you can choose whether PDF files linked to your registration should appear as a link or the entire file should be included in your report.
5. Include question descriptions: Here you can choose whether question descriptions related to your registration type should be included in your report.
6. Number of images per row: Here you can choose how many images should be included per row in your report based on your completed registrations.
7. Do not sort by subprojects: If this setting is selected, your registrations will be sorted solely by the date of registration.
8. Sorting of registrations: Here you can choose whether your registrations should be sorted by newest or oldest registrations first.
9. Include floor plan: Here you can choose whether your floor plan should be included in your registration paragraph.
10. Add custom text to paragraph: Here you can add your own text or additional descriptions to the registration paragraph. Additionally, you can choose whether the text should appear before or after your registrations.
Matrix format
You can select the desired layout type by ensuring there is a blue dot in the chosen layout type.
Note! If "Matrix format" is selected, you will have fewer "Paragraph settings" available, including the ability to add registration images to your report.
Paragraph settings
If "Matrix format" is selected, the following "Paragraph settings" will become available. The individual points for your "Paragraph settings" will now be reviewed below:
1. Start paragraph on a new page: Here you can choose whether the desired registration paragraph should start on a new page in your report.
2. Show location on map: Here you can choose whether the completed registration should be shown on a map in your report.
3. Include question descriptions: Here you can choose whether question descriptions related to your registration type should be included in your report.
4. Checklist: Here you can select the specific checklist associated with the chosen registration type that will appear in your report.
5. Sorting of registrations: Here you can choose whether your registrations should be sorted by newest or oldest registrations first.
6. Include floor plan: Here you can choose whether your floor plan should be included in your registration paragraph.
7. Add your own text to paragraphs: Here you can add your own text or additional descriptions to the registration paragraph. Additionally, you can choose whether the text should appear before or after your registrations.
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