In this article, you will find a guide to what the paragraphs "include documents" and "document overview" mean and how to use them.
In this article, you will find:
Include documents and document overview
Include documents contains the files that are added as global files and project-specific files. These are PDF files that will be included in this paragraph of the report.
Document overview provides an overview of the files included in the "include documents" paragraph
Note! Include documents and document overview are independent of each other, so it is important that the documents you select in the document overview match those you choose in "include documents" to ensure the two paragraphs are consistent.
The files added to Global files and project-specific files can be included and generated in a report.
Document overview
To improve clarity in the report, it is recommended to create the "Document Overview" paragraph for the documents you want to include in the report.
You can create the "Document Overview" paragraph as follows:
Account ➜ Reports➜ Templates ➜ Click the pencil icon next to the report you want to add "include documents" to ➜ Create paragraph ➜ Click on the unnamed paragraph ➜ Set header ➜ 2. Select paragraph type = Include documents ➜ Customize the paragraph if needed ➜ Click on "Save".
Include documents
If you want to include the documents/ files in a report, you need to add a paragraph called "include documents."
You can create the "Include Documents" paragraph as follows:
Account ➜ Reports ➜ Templates ➜ Click the pencil icon next to the report you want to add "Include Documents" to ➜ Create paragraph ➜ Click on the unnamed paragraph ➜ Set header (e.g., document overview) ➜ 2. Select paragraph type = document overview ➜ Customize the paragraph if needed ➜ Click on "Save".
When these two paragraphs are added to the report template, and a report is generated for a specific project where the template is applied, you will have the following options:
1. Include documents in the paragraph: Document Overview
Here you can select the documents to be displayed in the overview, meaning it is only an overview, and the attached PDF files are not included in this paragraph. You can select the global documents to be displayed in the overview as well as the project-specific documents.
- Global documents
- Project-specific documents
2. Include documents in the paragraph: Include Documents
Here you can select the documents to be included in your report, meaning the attached files added under global files and project-specific files will be included in the report. You can choose both global documents and project-specific documents.
- Global documents
- Project-specific documents
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