In this article, you can see how to find partial and completed registrations/responses in the app. It is possible to view both your own and all registrations/responses in the app.
Open the app ➜ Tap on the relevant project ➜ Tap on a subproject (if created) ➜ Tap on "Partly" (for partial registrations) or "Answered" (for completed registrations)
TIP: If no registrations/responses appear, you can go to the filter and check if "View all" is enabled.
NOTE: Not everyone can view their own and all registrations/responses in the app. This is determined by the form type, and the change needs to be enabled under:
Global ➜ Checklists ➜ Checklists ➜ Click on the relevant Checklists type ➜ Enable "Can see own" and/or "Can see all".
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