Marketplace ➜ All products ➜ Click on a module ➜ Press "Try the module free for 14 days" ➜ Activate trial period ➜ Assign licenses ➜ Select users ➜ Assign licenses
Note: If you activate a trial period for a license and make registrations in Inspectly, your registrations will be saved after the trial period expires.
Select the module on the Marketplace
Click the marketplace icon ➜ Press the module you want to try for 14 days ➜ Click on "Try the module for free for 14 days"
Activate trial period
Click on "Activate trial period"
You can activate a trial period once per. module in your account. When you activate a trial period, you automatically receive 5 licenses, which you can distribute to your users so that multiple people can try the module.
Assign licenses
Assign licenses ➜ Select users ➜ Assign licenses
You can now assign the 5 licenses to the users active on your account
Contact us
If you have any questions, you are always more than welcome to contact our support at
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